Members Needed for Education Committee

Members needed for IAOS Education Committee

It was narrated by Anas Bin Malik: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “The seeking of knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim” – Al Tirmidhi

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) also said, “Allah makes the way to Jannah easy for him who follows the path in search of knowledge” – Muslim

IAOS has recently formed a new committee “Education Committee” that will focus on developing and delivering education programs and related activities for the Muslim community in Regina.

This committee is looking for new members with related experience and dedication to work for the sake of Allah SWT. If interested, please send your resume to by February 15, 2017


Duties and Responsibilities:


  1. Plan, design and develop new educational programs for the children, youth and adults
  1. Follow the IAOS strategic plan
  1. Review and evaluate existing programs for improvements and expansion
  1. Assess the community needs on Islamic education and other educational programs and related activities
  1. Get recommendation from Religious committee for any Religious educational programs and related activities
  1. Submit the detail proposal for new program or expansion of existing program to the board for approval
  1. Administer, organize and run all approved educational programs
  1. Design curriculum, manage books & materials and teaching methods
  1. Prepare yearly IAOS Education Calendar
  1. Manage resources (teachers, instructors, facilities and other necessary logistics)
  1. Reporting to the IAOS board through chairperson monthly basis for each program and  other activities, achievements and suggestions


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