Muslim Child Program – Survey

Muslim Child Program – Survey



IAOS is initiating a new educational program for the small children in our community in Regina.

The aim of the Program is to raise Muslim children on Islamic manners, teach them how to recite Quran, memorize short Surah and learn the Arabic language under the guidance of qualified and experienced teachers. We seek to develop in each child a positive identity as a Muslim in accordance with Islamic principles with a strong commitment to faith, family, community, and humanity.


1- Quran Memorization: short Surah (Half of the last Juz’, depends on child’s ability)
2- Quran Recitation: Learn how to recite Quran (An-Nooraniah Lessons)
3- Arabic Language: Learn Arabic letters and numbers
4- Islamic Manners: Faith, Worships, Azkar, Morals and others
5- Activities

Age of Admission:  4 to 5 years Old (Boys and Girls)

Class Timing:  9:00 am – 12:00 pm (Monday to Thursday)

Academic Year:  October  2, 2017  to  June 28, 2018

Registration Start:  Early in September, 2017


Please Complete the Survey:

Deadline for the survey – September 10, 2017

If you are interested in this program for your child/children, please fill out this survey by September 8, 2017


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