Final Message to Donors of RM of Sherwood New Masjid Project

Final Message to Donors of RM of Sherwood New Masjid Project

Please consider this as final reminder to all donors who donated funds for the construction of New Masjid and Community Centre at the RM of Sherwood project. You are requested to contact the IAOS President ( or by calling 306-539-5240). The purpose is to authorize IAOS to utilize their funds for the 12th Avenue New Masjid and Community Centre site, as the RM of Sherwood Site has not been approved for Masjid / Community Centre by the municipality. If any donor declines to authorize the IAOS to utilize their donation for the 12th Avenue Site, their funds will be returned to them, sometime in the next few months, as per the procedure outlined in the Trust Fund of 2010. Please note that in case of refund of donation, IAOS has a legal obligation to inform Canada Revenue Agency. 

If you do not inform us by December 15, 2017 we will consider that you do not have any objection to the use of your donations for the new Masjid project. There will not be any additional reminder in this regard.