Success of IAOS Quran Hifz Students

Success of IAOS Quran Hifz Students

We are pleased to announce that recently three (3) students from our Full-Time Quran Hifz school succeeded in memorizing all 30 juzes of Al-Quran and became Hafiz-ul Quran. They are:

1. Muhammad Abubakr Jawad Afzal (son of Jawad Afzal Chaudhry and Farzana Jawad)
2. Azeem Mohammed Abdul (son of Abdul Majeed and Ambreen Majeed)
3. Aazmeer Ahmed Kansan (son of Muhammad Vakil Ahmed and Rizwana Vakil)

Congratulations to Hafiz Abubakr, Hafiz Azeem and Hafiz Aazmeer and their parents for this biggest achievement for the sake of Allah SWT. Insha’Allah IAOS will honour them for their achievements in the Graduation Ceremony sometime this year.

Insha’Allah we will announce the process and the deadline for admission of new students for the Academic year 2020-2021 for Full-Time Quran Hifz Program soon.