Please register to join school
Please register to join school
The IAOS Annual General Body Meeting, and Election will be held on Saturday, September 30th, 2017 at 2 pm Insha’Allah (Venue will be announced later)
IAOS is initiating a new educational program for the small children in our community in Regina.
With an estimated population of around 10,000 or more, the Muslim community has become an integral part of Regina.
Currently, IAOS is delivering a good number of Islamic educational programs such as Full-time Quran Hifz School, Part-time Quran Hifz School, Evening Quran School, SaturdaySchool, Sunday School, Huffaz Revision Program, Summer School and so on.
Weekend (Saturday) School Registration- 2017-2018 kind reminder. Please register soon.
This is mentioned in approximately ten places in the Qur’an, such as the verse in which Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation):
The Federal Minister for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship the Honorable Ahmed D. Hussen will be visiting Regina.
IAOS will run Afternoon Islamic Summer School Program for the Children during the summer (July-Aug).
For new members wanting to attend and vote in the AGM, the completed membership application and membership fee should be received by July 31st2017.