Alhamdulillah, IAOS has collected more than $397,000 for the purchase of the new Masjid site at 525 12th Avenue, over the last week. In addition more than $143,000 have been pledged by several individuals. Jazak Allah Khair to all the donors and pledge makers. The IAOS Board and Fundraising committee express their gratitude and acknowledge the trust of the community. We also request all the persons who made pledges, to make their promised donations as soon as possible.
IAOS is still short of approximately $460,000 as the target is $ 1 Million for getting the purchase of the property executed. In addition, immediately after taking possession of the site, IAOS will need additional funds of approximately $700,000 to $1 Million in order to upgrade the premises, Insha Allah. Therefore IAOS requests all the community members, particularly those who have not made a contribution yet, to please come  forward and support building this house of Allah (SWT) by making donations.
Jazak Allah Khair
IAOS Board