Name Email Address Current Address City Prov Postal Code Phone (Home) Phone (Cell) Phone (work) Fax Current Profession Specialization Spouse Information (if applying for family membership) Name Email Address Phone (Work) Phone (Cell) Current Profession Specialization Please provide two references below. Name Email Phone Declarations (circle appropriate response) I am a Muslim over the age of 18 YesNo I am Permanent resident OR Citizen of Canada(Will provide proof upon request) YesNo I am living in Saskatchewan for at least six months(Will provide proof upon request) YesNo I will abide by the constitution and By-Laws of IAOS Regina Inc. YesNo I am not a member of any other Islamic Organization in Saskatchewan YesNo Please fill this field with letters on RIGHT of Captcha field By clicking submit you are agreeing to pay one of the following membership fee. Membership Fee Monthly $20 Individual $40 Couple Annual $240 Individual $480 Couple