SK Catholic Bishops on Quebec Incident

A Statement to the Muslim community
from the Catholic bishops of Saskatchewan
January 30, 2017

Dear brothers and sisters in the Muslim community of Saskatchewan,
On behalf of the Catholic community, we wish to express our deep sorrow on recent tragic events in Quebec City, and to offer our condolences and prayers for your suffering community at this time. Earlier today, His Holiness Pope Francis, expressed his own prayers for those who were killed and injured in Quebec, as well as their families, asking the Lord to bring them comfort and consolation in the ordeal.
We stand together with you and leaders of all faith communities in condemning violence, particularly violence in the name of God, whose name is peace. Violence profanes the name of God. Such inconceivable violence violates both the sacredness of human life as well as the respect due to a community at prayer and its place of worship.
In his 2017 Message for Peace, Pope Francis says: “may we dedicate ourselves prayerfully and actively to banishing violence from our hearts, words, and deeds, to becoming nonviolent people and to building nonviolent communities that care for our common home. ‘Nothing is impossible if we turn to God in prayer. Everyone can be an artisan of peace.’”
We pray together with you that the God who is peace will bring you comfort and lead us together to walk in peace and solidarity. We are committed to working together with you, and all people of goodwill, towards peace, sharing in all efforts that unite us to our brothers and sisters of the Muslim faith.
In solidarity and peace,
The Catholic bishops of Saskatchewan

Archbishop Donald Bolen, Archdiocese of Regina
Archbishop Murray Chatlain, Archdiocese of Keewatin-Le Pas
Bishop Bryan Bayda, Eparchy of Saskatoon
Bishop Albert Thévenot, Diocese of Prince Albert
Very Reverend Kevin McGee, Diocese of Saskatoon


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