Protocol For Jumma Prayers

New Protocol For Jumma Prayers

In-Person Protocol for Jumah Salah

(effective 15th Jan 2021):

First Khutbah- 1:15 pm

Second Khutba-2:00 pm


Introduction of in-person registration

First Come- First served


You can also join us via Live Stream

IAOS Live Streaming Links

Facebook Link go to the videos section.

IAOS Live Web page Link

  1. If you are experiencing any of the signs of Covid-19, have come into close contact with someone who has it or has travelled outside the country within 14 days, we ask that you stay home and join us via the live stream. (see Signs and Symptoms of Covid-19)
  2. When joining for Salah please maintain 2 metres of physical distance (indoors and outside) with people other than your family/social bubble. Doors will be propped opened to allow for easy flow throughout the Masjid. Once the 30- person capacity is reached, Doors will be locked.
  3. Each week, we ask that you pre-register for Jumah online for you are unable to pre-register, please know that you are welcome to join us, and we will ask you for contact information at the door. This information is for contact tracing purposes only. Note -a capacity limit has been implemented– 30-persons ONLY.
  4. Mask or face covering while inside the Masjid are mandatory. Your Own Salah Mat is also mandatory.
  5. Hand sanitizing stations are available, and you will be asked to Sanitize on entering the Masjid. Note- We encourage you to sign up to volunteer for the extra cleaning required for high touch areas
  6. Please refrain from handshakes and hugs as greetings. Instead offer a wave, nod, bow, smiley eyes, or smile!.
  7. Washrooms (i.e. both downstairs and upstairs) will be available and will be limited to two persons at a time.


While our board continues to make any adjustments needed to keep the Masjid environment as safe as possible, be assured we are committed to erring on the side of safety and leading by caring example. If the current change is unsustainable, we will revert to 100% online registration only. The rules may not impact us – but we can make an impact by choosing to go the second mile. Together we can make a difference to protect the vulnerable and stand with our essential workers in these challenging times.



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